north polar bear

Ever since I decided to dive head first into all-things-blogging, every new day has brought to me a new brand to discover. The big and popular names are out there since, what seems like, forever and it may seem that there arent' as many new companies brought in the spotlight. And exactly for this I love blog-world. There will always be a blogger who will love to put out the word about your brand, company, website, anything you create. It's sometimes feels like a really big circle of friends who support you, lift you up but also keep you down to ground.

 New day, new brand! Today it's North Polar Bear. There were a few things that caught my eye immediately upon opening their site. Everything is so lean, minimalistic but professional. And not only the site and their Journal are going to be like candy to your eyes, but their collection too!

 From a cute logo mug, to an eco-friendly (!!!) t-shirt, to luxury, handmade leather and lifestyle accessories specialising in seasonal, cold weather wear infused with the spirit of the outdoors. Well, how does that sound for an up-and-coming brand? Pretty neat, I'd say. 

 And let's not forget that time passes quickly and Christmas isn't actually that far either. ;) Start brainstorming for gifts with North Polar Bear and stay warm and cozy.


[photo credit:]


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