Unintentional Nike Advertisement

But intentionally bought as a couple anniversary gift last spring, because ... why not?
As I mentioned already, this year's December is full of things to do, errands to run and surprises.
First surprise - me. Haha, no, not like that. My boyfriend's mum had the best idea ever, that I would be his present for his birthday, as in - surprise, babe, it's me at the airport and not your mum! Needless to say, he was left speechless and totally happy, not expecting a thing and there I was, after more than 3 months of not seeing each other because of our LDR and many impediments for me travelling to Italy or he to Germany, but we managed it now.
And I haven't been more happy to be back in his arms and just enjoying fully every moment together and not just sharing all the cool and boring stuff via Whatsapp or Skype.
But, real life is a bit of a bitch, so for the Christmas I'm back home in Germany and with a bunch of stuff to do for University but the silver lining is that on 27th I'm going back to Italy, still with a lot of work to do and write, but at least I'll be with my otter half (see what I did there, muahaha).
And for the first part of my lovely holiday chaos I decided to share with you some photos we shot in Souther Italy, near where my bf lives. Such beautiful surroundings, you will see more of it in the next posts. The quality isn't the most professional one, but better than nothing; shot with iPhone 6 and it's kinda cool effects.

Outfit details:
Running jackets: NIKE, for her and for him
Photo credit: Emiliano, my boyfriend's brother


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