little update

Oh, these holidays made me lose track of time!
It's already 6th January and my little vacation is almost over. It's actually really sad this time, because I've been waiting to reunite with my love since September and now, after circa 2 weeks together, we have to go back to our LDR realities.

So, in one of the previous posts I said that I have a bunch of surprises and that's why I've been so absent here. First surprise was the one on 19th December, my boyfriend thought  that he was picking up his mum at the airport and instead I popped out at the arrivals. It was so exciting and emotional, I loved finally surprising him for real.

The other surprise, I'm finally equipped with a really good smartphone, bye bye 2 pixels, hello 20.7 MP!! That means more photos on ALL the social media networks where I am: my Instagram, my personal Facebook page and my Twitter. And I'm on another platform now, Pinterest. I signed there up to get my imagination and creativity boosted, just "liking" those beautiful healthy snacks and desserts makes me want to throw on an apron and start cooking (I don't like cooking, normally). I use Pinterest practically just to pin and save all those photos that I really love, find new places to add to my future-vacation map and interesting ideas.

Next one, I'm writing down many topics to write about here, so I guess I won't be so absent anymore here, even though I have so much to do IRL rather than online, but I will find time for both.

Hope you all are having a great time and enjoyed your holidays, no matter how long or short they were. Love!


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